Upland Almanac – Bird Hunting | Dogs & Dog Training | Shotgun Enthusiasts

Chef Gordon Hamersley prepares Vietnamese-Style Pho with Woodcock
An excerpt from the UA Kitchen…As winter turns to spring from Michigan to Maine, you can feel the land in transition. The sun’s warmth at midday melts the last of the ice from the banks of the little creek that runs behind our little New England farmhouse. Woodcock will be stopping here soon on their way north as they transition from their southern winter haunts to northern summer breeding grounds.
I’ve spent the past four months cooking rich soups that provided much needed protection from the elements, but I don’t want to eat anything that heavy right now. It’ll just remind me of recent dark, cold nights. Vietnamese pho is a rich but not heavy soup normally made with beef, rice noodles, fresh Asian herbs and lime, but it works really well with game bird broth and woodcock, too.
Read more in the Spring 2017 Issue of Upland Almanac.<Buy the Upland Almanac Spring 2017 Issue> or <Subscribe to Upland Almanac>
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Source: uplandalmanac.com/feed
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